Государственный герб Республики Беларусь


Education for the future of the country

The management of higher education, which is a structural subdivision of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, ensures the functioning and management of the higher education system.

The main tasks of the management are:

  • development and implementation of state policy in the field of higher education;
  • ensuring the functioning and management of the higher education system;
  • normative legal support of higher education, development of programs for the development of higher education;
  • organization of scientific and methodological support of higher education;
  • coordination of the activities of the republican government bodies, education departments of the regional executive committees, the Education Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee, organizations for implementing the functions of the higher education system.

Management in accordance with the tasks assigned to it performs the following functions:

  • provides organizational and practical work on the implementation, implementation of decrees, directives, decrees, orders of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Code of Education of the Republic of Belarus, resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, orders of the Prime Minister, state programs in higher education;
  • analyzes the state and forecasts the prospects for the development of the higher education system, studies the world trends and makes offers for determining the priority directions of its development;
  • develops drafts of legislative and other normative legal acts in the sphere of higher education, a program for the development of higher education, offers proposals for the abolition of regulatory legal and other legal acts, introduces changes and additions to normative legal acts of the Ministry for Higher Education, summarizes law enforcement practices and makes offers on its improvement;
  • coordinates the activities of the structural units of the Ministry on the functioning of the system of higher education; organizes the activity of the institutions of republican subordination in the part of the implementation of educational programs of higher education, the state educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher School" on issues of scientific and methodological support of higher education;
  • participates in the coordination of candidacies for the posts of heads of institutions of higher education;
  • interacts with the republican bodies of state administration, education departments of the regional executive committees, the education committee of the Minsk city executive committee in solving the issues of the functioning of higher education;
  • in conjunction with the management of organizational and personnel work, the department for advanced training and retraining of staff, the state educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher School", coordinates the work within its competence to provide higher education institutions with pedagogical workers, determine the categories, directions and content of training programs, retraining and improving the qualifications of teaching staff of higher education institutions, analyzes the results of its conduct;
  • together with the Department of Quality Control of Education, it organizes work on scientific and methodological support of higher education in terms of quality control of education, develops activities aimed at improving the activities of educational institutions;
  • within its competence, examines documents for obtaining a license for the right to exercise higher education;
  • provides the preparation of the justification for funding assignments for scientific development aimed at ensuring the development of the higher education system, monitoring the fulfillment of tasks, implementing the results of scientific developments, preparing relevant reports, accepting them, facilitating the introduction of experimental results into the educational process of higher education institutions;
  • ensures the formation of control enrollment figures in subordinate institutions of higher education;
  • introduces offers on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of institutions of higher education on their competence;
  • organizes the development and ensures the approval, in accordance with the established procedure, of educational standards for higher education, model curricula for specialties and model curricula for academic disciplines, the publication of educational publications for higher education institutions;
  • together with the establishment of the "Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus", the state educational institution "The Republican Institute of Higher Education" develops and implements measures to develop the republican system of informatization in higher education; 
  • in collaboration with the state institution of education "Republican Institute of Higher School" for planning, substantiating the financing, conducting and summarizing the results of republican meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops on improving the training of personnel and developing higher education, olympiads, contests, fairs and other events on higher education;
  • on the issues of its competence, takes part in planning expenditures for the maintenance of subordinate higher education institutions whose property is in the republic's ownership, for the implementation of other functions assigned to the Office, in determining the amount of their financing and logistical support within the allocated allocations and resources;
  • together with the Department for International Cooperation, ensures implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry for cooperation with international organizations, foreign individuals and legal entities engaged in higher education, including the exchange of teaching technologies, training programs, experience in organizing higher education, etc.;
  • reviews letters and appeals from citizens on the issues within its competence, takes necessary measures to eliminate identified shortcomings, provides explanations and recommendations on issues within the competence of the Office;
  • ensures a unified procedure for working with documents in accordance with normative legal acts on record keeping and archival matters, their qualitative preparation and execution in a timely manner.