Государственный герб Республики Беларусь


Education for the future of the country

1.      What are the subjects that will be represented during the 2023 centralized testing?

In 2023 11 graders will have to pass through two centralized exams:

-          Russian or Belarusian languages (depends on the student’s choice);

-          One school subject that is present in the list of choices for centralized testing. These are: (“Physics”, “Math”, “Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Foreign language (English, German, Spanish, French or Chinese), “The history of Belarus”, “The history of the world (modern times), “Geography”, “Social studies”).

2.       Does the choice of a subject for centralized exam depend on whether it is a core subject on entering the institution of higher learning or the second core one?

No, it does not. You are free to choose any school subject that is present in the list of choices for the centralized testing. If a student opts for the first core subject, then he will pass the second core one during the centralized testing and vice-versa.

3.       Are there any other graduation exams besides the centralized one?

11 graders in 2023 will have to pass Only through the centralized exam. Any other final exams will definitely Not be conducted.

4.       What is the reason for such a huge change in the existing approaches of final examinations for 11 graders?

The arguments are quite obvious:

-          The decrease of burden that rests on student’s shoulders (had 4 exams – now 2 left);

-          We combine both graduation and entrance campaigns (the results of the centralized exam will be taken into consideration during the entrance campaign);

-          Unification of processes of conducting final and entrance exams (There is no need for additional studies);

-          Motivated choice of a future occupation (further major must be decided when selecting subjects for centralized exam);

-          Techer trains students for graduation and entrance exams simultaneously (there is no need to hire a tutor);

-          Increase of teacher’s responsibility for his work and, as a result, the student’s knowledge increases as well.

5.       When is the deadline for 11 graders to choose a subject for the centralized exam? What is the registration process?

In accordance with the Instructions on organization and holding of the centralized exam, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Education №184 on 11.07.2022 (July the eleventh), commissions on registration and providing of participation must be appointed in the educational facilities until February 1.

Students must select their subjects until March 1. Thus, it is necessary to make a final choice in February.

Students will be registered in the system of registration by the commission. Students do not have to go somewhere for that purpose. The registration for the main periods of the exam will take place from April 1 to April 20 2023.

It is Impossible to switch the chosen subjects and language of the examination materials after the registration.

6.      Who is allowed not to pass through the centralized exam?

Only the winners of the third stage (regional, Minsk city) and final stage of the Republican Olympiad are allowed not to pass through the centralized exam.

The winners of the third stage of the Republican Olympiad in academic subjects are exempted from one centralized exam - in the academic subject in which the student became the winner. In the certificate of general secondary education in this subject, 10 points are set.

The winners of the final stage of the Republican Olympiad in academic subjects are exempted from all centralized exams. In the certificate of general secondary education in the subjects in which the student became the winner, 10 points are set; for other subjects - an annual mark.

7. Are there any benefits for the winners of the Republican Olympiad in academic subjects for admission to higher education institutions?

Yes, there are. As before, the winners of the final stage of the Republican Olympiad in academic subjects are enrolled without exams in institutions of higher education in the specialty for which this subject is one of the core ones for admission (the winner in physics cannot enter a linguistic university without exams).

The winners of the third (regional, Minsk city) stage of the Republican Olympiad in school subjects, as before, have the right to enter any institution of higher education for pedagogical and the most demanded specialties in the economy, as well as from next year to regional institutions of higher education for specialties in which this subject is one of the core upon admission.

Thus, the benefits for the winners of the Republican Olympiad in academic subjects have not only been preserved, but also expanded.

8. What other categories of students are eligible for graduation in 2023?

Special attention should be paid to the issue of final certification of hearing-impaired, visually impaired and students with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. They have the right to choose: either to take a centralized exam and, accordingly, a centralized test when entering a higher education institution, or to take a final exam at school and an internal exam at a higher education institution. At the same time, they should evaluate their ability to complete the answer form. This needs to be explained to both students and parents.

9. What mark will be placed in the certificate of general secondary education?

As a result of passing the centralized exam, each student in grade 11 who received a test score above 0 (zero) receives a certificate in which marks are set on a 100-point scale. The points given in the certificate are converted into a 10-point scale according to the scales developed by the Ministry of Education. The final mark is set in the certificate of general secondary education, which is the arithmetic average of the annual mark and marks on a 10-point scale.

The Centralized Exam Certificate, like the Centralized Testing Certificate, is valid for 2 years.

10. Are the dates for the centralized exam in 2023 already known?

Yes, they are defined.

Main days: May 14, 2023 - "Russian language", "Belarusian language"; May 21, 2023 - elective.

Reserve days and other deadlines are provided for those who could not take part in the centralized exam for a good reason on the set dates. They are also defined:

reserve days:

May 23, 2023 - "Russian language", "Belarusian language";

May 25, 2023 - elective;

other terms:

in July during reserve days for the centralized exam;

August 21, 2023 - "Russian language", "Belarusian language";

August 23, 2023 - elective.

11. In the period between 05/14/2023 and 05/21/2023 (the days of the centralized exam), how will the educational process be organized in educational institutions (self-study for the next exam or organized classes according to the schedule)?

In the period between CEs, classes will be held in general secondary education institutions in accordance with the schedule.

12. Is it possible for students to be transported to the CE by their parents?

No, delivery to the CE will be organized by an educational institution, accompanied by a teacher. And this does not depend on whether transportation is required from a rural area to a district center, or whether we are talking about movement in the district center itself, a regional city or in Minsk.

13. If the child receives a 0 or 1 point (negative mark) on the CE, will a certificate of general secondary education be issued?

A certificate of general secondary education will be issued if the arithmetic mean between the annual mark and the mark obtained at the CE on a 10-point scale is 3 points or more.

Students with annual marks of 3 points and above are also allowed to the CE.

14. How can a graduate of the physics and mathematics direction choose a subject for the CE, if in the same university at the same faculty, depending on the specialty, both physics and mathematics can be the 1st and 2nd academic subject?

When choosing a subject for passing the CE, one should not take into account whether the subject is the first or second subject of a profile test when entering institutions of higher education.