Государственный герб Республики Беларусь


Education for the future of the country

The national education of the Republic of Belarus has traditionally been one of the highest values of the Belarusian people.
Evidence of the achieved results is the early implementation by the Republic of Belarus of a number of Millennium Development Goals, a high level of human development, ensuring political and socio-economic stability in the country.

The choice of course for the creation of a social state made it possible to determine the correct strategy for its functioning and development. This is evidenced by such macro indicators as the level of literacy of the adult population (99.7%), coverage of basic, general secondary and vocational education of the employed population (98%). In terms of enrollment in primary and secondary schools, the number of students in higher education institutions, Belarus is at the level of developed countries in Europe and the world. Every third citizen of the republic studies. 

The state policy in the sphere of education is based on strengthening the leading principles of the development of the Belarusian school, among which:

  • state-public nature of management;
  • ensuring the principle of fairness, equal access to education;
  • improving the quality of education for everyone.

Priority is also given to ensuring the functional literacy of the population through the development of a network of vocational, technical, secondary and higher education institutions.

Currently, there are more than 8,000 educational institutions in the country, representing all levels of education, in which the education and upbringing of more than 3 million children, students and listeners provide about 430,000 employees of the education system.

The Republic of Belarus in the rating of the states on the index of human development on indicators in the sphere of education refers to states with a very high level of human development.