Государственный герб Республики Беларусь


Education for the future of the country

Профессионально-техническое образование.jpg

Traditionally, in all educational institutions September 1 is the Day of Knowledge . In modern conditions of economic and social development, vocational education acquires a special function – the formation of the personality of a future employee, a specialist focused on active participation in the scientific, technical and technological development of production, the formation of research interest in order to establish their professional and socio-cultural competence.

Today, the importance of science in the life of society is significantly increasing, without the use of the achievements of fundamental and applied science, successful economic, social and technical development, and improvement of living standards are impossible. Therefore, measures to support science and stimulate its development in the XXI century are an integral component of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus.

The functioning and management of the system of vocational and secondary special education is carried out by the Department of Vocational Education, which is a structural subdivision of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. 

The main management tasks are:

  • development and implementation of state policy in the field of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • ensuring the functioning and management of the system of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • normative legal support of vocational and secondary special education, development of programs for the development of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • coordination of the activities of the republican bodies of state administration, education departments of regional executive committees, the Education Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee, organizations for the implementation of the functions of the system of vocational education and secondary special education. 

Management in accordance with the tasks assigned to it performs the following functions:

  • provides organizational and practical work on the implementation, implementation of decrees, directives, decrees, orders of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, orders of the Prime Minister, state programs in the field of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • analyzes the state and forecasts the prospects for the development of vocational and secondary special education, studies global trends and makes proposals to determine the priority directions of its development; 
  • develops drafts of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of vocational and secondary special education, programs for the development of vocational and secondary special education, prepares proposals for the abolition of regulatory legal and other legal acts, amendments and additions to regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Vocational and Secondary Special Education, summarizes law enforcement the practice and makes suggestions for its improvement; 
  • develops organizational and practical measures to create favorable conditions and opportunities for education in institutions of vocational and secondary specialized education develops organizational and practical measures to create favorable conditions and opportunities for education in institutions of vocational and secondary specialized education; 
  • coordinates the activities of the structural units of the Ministry for the functioning of vocational and secondary special education; organizes the activities of institutions of republican subordination in terms of the implementation of educational programs of vocational and secondary special education, educational institutions ”Republican Institute of Vocational Education“ on scientific and methodological support of vocational and secondary special education, institutions ”Republican House of students and employees of vocational education“ on organizational and scientific and methodological support of technical and decorative-applied creativity of students and employees of institutions of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • participates in the approval of candidates for the positions of heads of vocational and secondary special education institutions; 
  • interacts with republican government bodies, education departments of regional executive committees, the Education Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee in addressing the functioning of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • together with the Personnel Policy Department, the Department of Advanced Training and Retraining of personnel, the educational institution ”Republican Institute of Vocational Education“, the state educational institution ”Republican Institute of Higher Education“ coordinates the work within its competence to provide vocational and secondary special education institutions with teaching staff, the definition of categories, directions and content of training programs, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff of institutions of vocational and secondary special education, analyzes the results of its implementation; 
  • together with the Department of Quality Control of Education, organizes work on scientific and methodological support of vocational and secondary special education in terms of quality control of education, develops measures aimed at improving the activities of educational institutions;
  • within its competence, it considers documents for obtaining a license for the right to carry out vocational and secondary special education; 
  • provides the preparation of the justification for the financing of scientific research assignments aimed at ensuring the development of vocational and secondary special education, monitors the implementation of assignments, the implementation of the results of scientific research, preparation of relevant reports, carries out their acceptance, promotes the introduction of experimental work results in the educational process of vocational and secondary special education institutions; 
  • ensures the formation of admission control figures in subordinate institutions of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • submits proposals on issues of its competence on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of institutions of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • organizes the development and ensures the approval in accordance with the established procedure of educational standards of vocational and secondary special education, standard curricula for specialties and standard curricula for academic subjects, the release of educational publications for institutions of vocational and secondary special education;
  • together with the institution “Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus“, the educational institution ”Republican Institute of Vocational Education“ develops and implements measures for the development of the republican system of informatization in the field of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • conducts work together with the educational institution ”Republican Institute of Vocational Education“, the institution ”Republican House of Students and Employees of vocational Education institutions“ on planning, substantiating funding, conducting and summarizing republican meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops on improving training and development of vocational and secondary special education, Olympiads, competitions professional skills, viewing contests, exhibitions, fairs and other events on the problems of vocational and secondary special education; 
  • monitors the organization of meals for students in educational programs of vocational education in educational institutions in accordance with the Regulations on Catering and Nutrition provision for students receiving vocational education at the expense of the republican and (or) local budgets, makes proposals for its improvement; 
  • together with the Department of Social and Educational Work, makes proposals to improve educational work, organize the development and implementation of state policy in this area of activity, conducts work on the organization of physical education of students of vocational and secondary special education institutions, including scientific and methodological support of the subject of physical culture and health; 
  • according to the issues of its competence, it participates in the planning of expenses for the maintenance of subordinate organizations of vocational and secondary special education, whose property is in republican ownership, for the implementation of other functions assigned to the management, in determining the volume of their financing and logistical support within the allocated allocations and resources; 
  • ensures the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry for cooperation with international organizations, foreign individuals and legal entities engaged in activities in the field of vocational and secondary special education, including the exchange of training technologies, training programs, experience in organizing vocational and secondary special education, etc.; 
  • organizes work on the maintenance, annual updating (updating) of the computer database of gifted youth from among students of vocational and secondary special education institutions; 
  • considers letters and appeals received from citizens within the established time limits on issues of its competence, takes the necessary measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings, provides explanations and recommendations on issues within the competence of the department; 
  • provides a unified procedure for working with documents in accordance with regulatory legal acts on record keeping and archival business, their high-quality preparation and execution within the established time limits.