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Department of Science and Innovation

The Department of Science and Innovations is responsible for realization of the state scientific, scientific-technical and innovative policy.

The main tasks of the Department are:

o   Regulatory, methodological and organizational support for scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in the system of the Ministry of Education;

o   Organizational, methodological and financial support for planning and implementation of research and development work in institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education;

o   Organizational and methodological support for the creation and coordination of the activities of innovative structures;

o   Organizational and methodological support for the development of international scientific and technical cooperation;

o   Organization of exhibition activities of institutions of higher education and scientific organizations;

o   Ensuring the development and effective use of the material and technical base of higher education institutions in the interests of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities;

o   Regulatory, methodological and organizational support for the training of highly qualified scientists in the institutions of the Ministry of Education;

o   Development of youth science, research work of students;

o   Ensuring the activities of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The department in accordance with the tasks assigned has the following functions:

· Coordination of activities of subordinate institutions of higher education and scientific organizations for the implementation of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities and training of highly qualified scientists;

· Assistance in the creation of innovative structures, scientific laboratories, small innovative enterprises on the basis of higher education institutions, methodological support for the organization of innovative structures;

Organization and coordination of work on the implementation and financing of scientific research conducted within the framework of state scientific research programs, state scientific and technical programs, presidential, sectoral and regional programs, international scientific and technical projects carried out within the framework of international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, innovative projects, individual R+D projects, sectoral R+D, tripartite agreements, grants for R+D by PhD researchers, graduate students and bachelors;

Organization of work on financing scientific, scientific-technical events and participation in international scientific and technical events held abroad, preparation and publication of monographs, development of the material and technical base of science;

· Support of documents submitted by institutions of higher education and scientific organizations for the competition of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology;

organization of targeted training of highly qualified scientists in accordance with the needs of subordinate institutions;

· Organization of work on the formation and presentation of collective expositions of the Ministry of Education in the sections of scientific-technical developments at exhibitions-fairs in the Republic of Belarus and abroad;

· Coordination of patent and licensing work in institutions of higher education and scientific organizations; organizational and methodological support on the use of intellectual property in the creation of competitive products and commercialization of the results of intellectual activity;

· Organization of work on updating the material and technical base of science, creating centers for collective use, equipping them with unique scientific instruments and equipment;

· Organization ofwork to ensure the activities of the Council of the Special Fund of thePresident of the Republic of Belarus for the social support of gifted pupilsand students.