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Sergey V. Rudy – Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus

РУДЫЙ Сергей Валентинович

Sergey V. Rudy was born on May 19, 1962 in Zaslavl Minsk district, Minsk region. He graduated from the Sumy Higher Artillery Command School named after M. М. Frunze, the Military Artillery Academy named after M. I. Kalinin.

He served on the posts of battery commander, automobile brigade, head of the state institution "Main Directorate for Construction and Operation of the Armed Forces", deputy chief of the rear of the Armed Forces for the construction and billeting of troops of the Ministry of Defense. Was in the reserve of leading cadres.

He has state awards, medals "For Irreproachable Service" І and ІІ degrees.

Since June 18, 2012 - Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus.


organizes work on the planning and use of budgetary funds allocated for the operation of subordinate budgetary organizations, as well as funds received from income-generating activities of subordinate state organizations;
organizes the work on bringing the planned tasks of the forecast of social and economic development of the republic by the organizations of the education system in accordance with the competence of the Ministry, the performance indicators of state unitary enterprises and business entities with the state share under the authority of the Ministry and monitoring their implementation