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Alexander V. Kadlubay – Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus


Alexander V. Kadlubay was born on April 28, 1982 in the village of Voroncha, Korelichi district, Grodno region. He graduated from the Belarusian State University and the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. He worked as a history teacher at secondary school No. 8 in Lida, Grodno region, and director of the Mozheykov secondary school of Lida district of the Grodno region. Since September 2012, he headed the Department of Education (formerly the Department of Education for Sports and Tourism) of the Lida District Executive Committee of the Grodno Region.

Sphere of scientific interests:

  • methods of teaching the Russian language in institutions of general secondary education:
  • stylistics;
  • development of speech;
  • intersubject communications.

Problems of content and scientific and methodological support of general secondary education.

Competence: ensuring the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of preschool, general secondary and special education in terms of the competence of the Ministry of Education; ensuring the implementation of public policies to support gifted students at the levels of preschool, general secondary and special education; organizes the development of educational standards, curricula and programs for institutions of preschool, general secondary and special education;