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Requisites and mode of operation


Ministry address:

9 Savieckaja Street,

Minsk, 220010

Reception of the Minister of education: +375 (17) 327 47 36 

Assistant Minister: +375 (17) 222 64 58 

Fax: +375 (17) 200 84 83 


"HOTLINE": +375 (17) 222 43 12 Calls are accepted from June 1 till August 18 (see the schedule of hotlines)

Mode of Operation

Monday – Friday:

9.00 - 13.00

14.00 - 18.00 

On Saturdays reception of citizens in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is carried out from 09.00 to 17.00 in the office № 525

(ph. +375 (17) 327 47 36)

Location map

Dear visitors of the portal! Electronic circulation can be submitted only under the heading "Electronic circulation". Personal questions sent to will not be considered.